Window Exchange
Window Exchange simply involves us removing your old timber or aluminium windows or doors, and replacing them brand new aluminium glass sliding windows or doors. We can do the whole lot for you from start to finish.
We custom make a new glass window or door to sit and fit into the existing opening. We remove the existing window or door frames and parts from the recess. In their place we fit the new window or door, using a combinstion of trim angle, acrylic gap filler and silicon to fix and seal them off.
The window or door then has channels for us to fit fly screens or security screens into.
If you have the old timber casement push-out windows and are sick of forcing them open and closed, are sick of the upkeep and maintenance on them, or are frustrated with the lack of fly screen and security screen options for them, then you should consider a quote for window exchange.
Did you know a brand new sliding window with a 7mm security screen works out cheaper than a welded steel grille with a separate fly screen.
Call now on (07) 38182949 to organise for one of our representatives to come around and give you a free quote. Based in Ipswich, Brisbane we service all of South-East QLD, from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast and everywhere in between.