Roller Blinds

Roller Blinds are arguably the most popular blind at the moment. They are simple, easy to use, give a modern look and are one of the most cost effective window covering options. There are large number of set-up options available for you to choose from including fabric, chain colour, bottom rail type and colour, roll direction and set-up options.
There are a wide range of fabrics to choose from. The first choice you have to make is whether you want a Sun Control Fabric or a Blockout Fabric. There are a nimber of ranges, patterns and colours to choose from in both types of fabric.
A Sun Control Fabric allows you to see through the fabric when it is down. It takes out the glare and cuts down the light, giving an open and modern look for your open living areas. A Sun Control Fabric is not recommended for any area that you need privacy, or where you want as much light as possible to be cut out.
A Blockout Fabric is usually double coated, ensuring that no light can get through the fabric itself. This gives you full privacy, and cuts down significantly on the light and heat coming through from the outside.
Our Roller Blinds come standard as Chain Control to adjust the height of the blind. The chain can come in a number of colours including White, Cream, Beige, Black and Stainless Steel. The chain can come on either side of the blind, and comes with a child safety latch as well.
Our Roller Blinds come standard with an Aluminium Bottom Rail attached to the bottom of the fabric. The Bottom rail can come Round or Flat, in the same colours as the chain. There is also a Dull and Shiny Chrome to match in with the Stainless Steel Chain.
Our Roller Blinds can come ‘Ordinary’ roll or ‘Reverse’ roll. Ordinary Roll sees the fabric roll down towards the glass down the back of the blind. Reverse Roll sees the fabric roll down away from the glass over the top of the blind. Reverese roll looks better as you don’t see the fabric roll at the top. This is crucial for Blockout blinds which have the white double coating facing outside. Ther are pelmets available to cover the roll if required. However ‘Reverse’ roll removes the need for a pelmet saving you the extra expense.
The Roller Blinds can come as a single blind to cover a single opening anything up to 2400mm wide. Any opening wider than that will need at least 2 blinds. Most Roller Blinds for sliding doors will come as 2 blinds, one for the opening side and one for the fixed glass panel. Where there is more than 1 blind on the opening, each blind can be linked to operate on one control, or can have its own independent control.
Call now on (07) 38182949 to organise a representaive to come out with some samples and give you free quote.